Summer. Where did it go? It just got started and now…it’s over. Well, over in spirit…here in my town, we could very well be wearing shorts and going barefoot on Christmas Day! But, summer. Those ‘Lazy, Hazy’ days are over. I feel as if it sort of passed me by this year. Sort of a strange feeling, but I kept thinking I was going to get into the summer mood. Now, the chance for that is gone, and I’m looking to find the Autumn Feeling. And, I’m gonna get it…even if I have to go out and roll around in the leaves…not now…when they fall…and turn colors. No. No, you can NOT watch!

What does that word ‘Autumn‘ say to you. OK, I’m going to try an ABC list…

A…apples*****B…barn*****C…corn*****D…dinners*****E…eerie*****F…fairs*****G…ghosts*****H…hay rides


P…peanuts*****Q…sQuash*****R…red*****S…squirrel*****T…turkey*****U…under (the harvest moon)*****

V… vines*****W…wheelbarrow*****X…eXcitement*****Y…yams*****Z…Zip (up your jacket to stay warm)

That was not as easy as I thought it would be! I had to really think about some of these. So here’s a challenge…can you think of a word for each letter of the alphabet…..that is DIFFERENT than the one I chose? I kinda ‘fudged’ on some of mine…you can surely do better! Come on, now…let’s play a little. I’m not going to do the ‘tagging’ thing…just write a ‘ Welcome to Autumn’ post on your blog and include the letters and words! Be a sport…play along! And, you friends without a blog…just put your answers in the comments! See? Easy Peasy! Now, go! I’m waiting to hear from YOU!

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22
