Where, O where can my little bears be?

O where, O where can they be?

I’ve looked high and low

But they just won’t show,

O where, O where can they be?

O where, O where can my little bears be?

O where, O where can they be?

They all are so dear…

And I had them last year.

O where, O where can they be?

O where, O where can my little bears be?

O where, O where can they be?

I wish they’d come out…

If I found them I’d shout!

O where, O where can they be?


It’s true…they are nowhere to be found.  And, there are 3 more not pictured.  You would think they would be packed up with al the other fall decor that I get out and pack back up every year.  But, no—–obviously I thought I had a better place to store them than in the correct place.  Why do I continuously sabotage myself?  Oh, well, it’ll be a great surprise when they do turn up.  (Sorta like when I hide my own Easter Eggs)

So, if you happen to see any unaccompaned minor bears…please call 1=800=334=Fnd=Bers..
