VBS…’Vacation” Bible School…vacation is sort of a misnomer. ‘Vacation’ for the kids…maybe…but not the teachers!!! I may sound as if I’m complaining, but really, I’m not at all. I love VBS and always have. However, this is the first year that we have had just a one day event. We started this morning at 8:00 and ended at 4:30. Whew! Now that was a long day! And, my little preschoolers did very well…up until the last hour. By then…they had had enough of this ‘vacation’ and they were ready to go home!

We started our morning with the pledges and songs. Then, we came to our classes. After a bit of getting aquainted, and songs and games…we had our first Bible story…Adam and Eve. Did you know that the first job that God gave Adam to do was to name the animals. It was Adam who decided what they should be called. ( How did he, the first person in the world, decide what to name each one. Where did he get the vocabulary and the knowledge that it would take to think of all those names?) Those are not preschool questions, I just wonder that myself. I suppose God instilled in him the knowledge he would need.

We then broke up into 3 groups and began our exploration of different things. Some of you may know this, but some may not. The way Baptist literature is written, learning takes place in every thing that is done while they are in your care. As the activities are done, the teachers are retelling the Bible story. They are directing the learning that is taking place through the activities.

The children made fishing poles. And when they caught the ‘fish’…they found characteristics of Jesus listed on each one. Playing and learning…they go together so well. Top pic…teacher, Monty Clark…Bottom picture…teachers…Deeya Herring and her teenage daughter and great teacher, as well, Victoria. And, April Cobb, standing. In these pictures, they are making puppets that look like themselves. We are learning that, “I am wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14. We all look different, and are all made special! Here are some beautiful faces showing off their work…precious souls.

Then we had a wonderful lunch, and because our bodies are ‘wonderfully made’, they need a little rest when they are tired……..and, so we rested……some of us.

We managed to stay prone for about 20 minutes, then we got up and began to MOVE!

Afterwards, we had second Bible story. We learned how Jesus took a little boy’s lunch, blessed it and used it to feed 5000 people. The children learned that that’s what we call a miracle. And, another miracle was that there were 12 baskets left over! After the story, we broke into small groups to continue our learning.

First pic shows, how the children decorated and cut out a shape in a slice of bread. Ummmmm, YUMMY! And, then the children worked on making their own puzzles. They were able to take these home and put them together there!

And posing with Mrs Tonja…the ranch hand!

A little outside play….and snacks….and sidewalk chalk. But, not too long…it was really hot outside!

And after another group time to review what we had learned today, it was time for them to gather their things and go home. You know, some of these children I will probably never see again. But, they were brought into the lives of we four teachers for 8 hours today. Some of them are from families that will never attend church. Some of them may never even have a chance to visit a church again for a long time, if ever. My deepest hope is that some of the words they heard today will stay safely tucked into their hearts until such time as God chooses to bring it to their mind again. If all we planted was the fact that church is a nice place to be, so be it. If all they remember is that the Bible is more precious than gold…..maybe it will encourage them to pick it up again in some motel room or hospital. It is not necessary to us teachers of children that we see the words and thoughts and scriptures we planted come to fruition….it is just our jobs to plant them. Along the way, some one else may water them, and God will allow them to bloom in His time. God bless the children who blessed us with their presence today.
