I’ve often heard it said, “there is no rest for the weary.” I feel that way today. I’m weary. Weary of illness. Weary of sickness. Weary of pain. Weary of those I love and myself as well, continually going from one illness to another.
Now, I know that God has all of this in His control…and I do rest in that. But, sometimes, it seems that He has just chosen our family to have one medical issue after another. And, sisters, we do it up right!
My brother in law is having some serious health problems, my sister needs to have some tests run, too. Their oldest daughter and her hubby are going through some testing, and, their youngest is getting married in 2 months.
Mom and Pop have gone from a ruptured colon with colostomy-him to a severe colon problem-her, to colostomy repair-him, to another surgery-her, to hernia surgery-him, to her current female and stomach issues.
My health has been pretty bad for the last few months…I have arthritis, bursitis, and fibromyalgia…along with a little lupus thrown in for good measure. Many days all I can do is rest. Ian had surgery to enlarge his sinus cavities which never formed correctly, a month ago, and he had lasik procedure on his eyes Friday. He has another operation scheduled on his palate in the next few months.
Alex continues to be a very sick young man. He has had some very bad days lately, with little relief from his pain. It takes all he can do to just make it through. He suffers greatly.
And, now…on top of all of this…Scooter, his companion…his best friend…his lifeline…his sleeping buddy…has cancer. He is devastated. We all are. This dog has been like an angel so many times. He has always been a very high strung, active dog. And, he still is. But, when Alex has needed him, he calms down and becomes a warm, comforting blanket for his boy. And, now he is very sick.
Our vet called today with the results of the biopsy. The type he has responds well to treatment, and sometimes goes into remission. We have made no decisions yet, and we are going to meet with the vet on Thursday. These decisions will be Alex’s to make.
So, I am going to ask you again for your prayer support. Alex is so sick himself, it really takes all his willpower to deal with the pain he faces constantly. And, now his best bud is dying. He is going to have to pull the strength from somewhere to deal with this. Alex loves the Lord, and knows He will guide him.
Honestly, I am feeling really bummed out. I am feeling angry. I am feeling sad. I am feeling that this is so not fair. I am just wanting not to have to feel this at all. It seems to me that in the grand scheme of things…would it be too much to ask for my boy to just have his dog and be able to get what pleasure he can from him? I know people are sick everywhere with much worse things than our troubles…but, sometimes it is overwhelming!
Without a doubt, the Lord sent this dog to Alex. We have seen evidence of this time and time again. I also know that God is the creator of the animals we love and adopt into our lives as family members. I believe that it saddens Him that Scooter is sick…and I believe that it saddens Him more that this is causing Alex such grief. So, I will ask Him to spare Scooter’s life. Or at least to allow the treatments to give him some quality of life for a while. I will ask that He give Alex the strength to make wise decisions…and to be able to live in peace with those decisions.
“Man’s fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both. As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animals. All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. Who knows if the spirit of man rises upward and the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth? Ecclesiastes 3: 19-21.
“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears attentive to their cry.”
“The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Psalm 34: 15, 16.
“How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom, you made them all,the earth is full of your creatures.” Psalm 104:24
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