I have just returned from the hospital where I have spent the day with my family. This morning, my Pop had surgery for 4 large hernias in his abdomen. (He will be so thrilled that I just announced that to the world). We all went into this operation with an amount of fear. You may remember that 2 years ago, he had emergency surgery for a ruptured intestine. The situation was very tenuous on its own…but, we found out afterwards that his heart did not cooperate while he was in surgery. This surgery resulted in him having a colostomy for 8 months. Surgery was necessary to repair the colostomy and put everything back into place. Again, his heart did not work as it should during this surgery and they had to watch him very closely and monitor him for a few months after. Now, we have these hernias which are not life threatening, but ‘quality of life’ threatening. They were so large and so uncomfortable, he really could not participate in the active life he has enjoyed for the last 82 years. After a visit to his surgeon, who left the decision up to him…and his GP…who said “go for it”…and his heart specialist who gave his blessing…the family as a whole decided that quality of life was much more important to Pop than quantity of life. We believed in our heart and were prepared for the fact that the surgery could go either way. But, which ever way it went…he would be OK! He would be a winner, either way.* This is because he believes, as we all do, that “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”. As sad as we would have been…he would not have been a happy camper if the remainder of his years had to be spent in a rocking chair or a recliner. He has motorcycles waiting to be ridden, and trips ready to be taken. He has fish waiting to be caught, and stories to be told.

Our pastor came this morning and led us all in prayer as we stood around his bed. Mom, Joy, Don and Myself, Pop’s buddy Bill, and Brother David held hands and put Pop into God’s healing hands. The hospital chaplain and a personal friend came by and led us again to pray for Pop. When they finally came to take him to surgery, we were ready . There was peace in my heart as he left, and as he was in surgery. And when we talked to the doctor and then saw him coming down the hallway…we were able to praise the Lord for answering our prayers. God is so good…and He has heard and answered our prayers. He chose to touch Pop during surgery and keep his heart functioning well and with no problems.

Another praise, I was hesitant to leave Alex at home, because he has not been doing very well. But, I had to decide what was the most pressing at that time. Alex assured me that he would be fine, and so off I went. In about an hour, the lady who cleans for me and a dear friend as well, called to tell me she was at my house today. Thanks, God, for helping ease this Mom’s mind! Isn’t He the greatest?

Pop is doing well, but is in much pain. Much more than he thought. So, we will all be sticking close for a few days, we’ll pamper and wait on him, and bring him home to finish recovering. Then he’ll head out to take on the world once again!
*FYI: We have the assurance of heaven and life everlasting because we trust and have faith in God.. We believe the Bible is true. We believe God will do everything He says He will do. We have asked Him to forgive our sins and to live in our hearts. He is our personal Savior and our future is settled.

If you do not understand this process or would like some additional information, please feel free to contact me via my e-mail. I would consider it a privilege to introduce you to my dearest friend.
