I am blessed beyond measure by the people the Lord has allowed to be in my life. I have many friends who are dear to me. But I have an extra special relationship with these 3 ladies. We call ourselves the court. There is a queen and 2 princessess. I leave it up to you to figure out who is who! Here is a picture of us in June of 2007 as we were leaving for Hawaii!
We had a wonderful week in Maui and only had to buy 3 new suitcases to make the trip home! It might have had something to do with the number of shoes we took with us. 43 pairs for 8 days! We were prepared, people! And, our feet looked too cute!
We have been able to travel together at least once and sometimes twice a year for several years now. Since it ususally is in the spring, we call it our Spring Fling!
But, last year and this year, it is a Summer Fling! Next week we will be travelling to Savannah ,Georgia to spend 5 glorious days in the high heat and even higher humidity! Really, Savannah is a beautiful city with much history and more importantly…wonderful shopping! Priorities here, friends…priorities! My architect has me on a mission to locate a set of antique doors or gates for our house. And The Court is all about having a mission! We gladly accept the challenge and will acomplish our task! Wait and see!
If any of my readers have any tips to share on stuff in Savannah…please do. We know about Paula Deen, and are planning to eat there. But, this is our first trip here, so we would appreciate any input.
Now, I am compelled to mention an incidence that occured last week. You know I told you that my boys, and my husband, and my Mom all said for me to just throw away all my magazines. “No need to waste the time looking through them. There’s nothing that important in there and it will come up again in some other magazine” said they.
Being one to listen to my own drummer…I meticulously went through the more important ones before tossing. In an issue of Mary Englebreit’s Home Companion dated sometime 2007…she did a 4 page spread on…..SAVANNAH, GEORGIA ! Yes, mam, she did! And it listed all the great boutiques, and restaurants, and art galleries, and antique stores! Good thing I went back through it, huh? Sometimes my drum is SOOOOO right! 🙂
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