Today, my heart is sad and oh, so heavy. My sweet Alex is having such a hard time these days. For the past 2 weeks, he has hardly been able to get up for anything other than eating, and bathroom. He is in such terrible pain. I can not stand to see him like this. Why, why, why does he have to suffer so? He is such a brave young man, has such a sweet spirit. You’ve heard me say before how I believe that God is in control of this situation…and my feeling’s have not changed. I realize that if it weren’t for the Lord’s strength, we all would have ‘lost it’ long ago. So, I choose to praise God and thank Him in the ‘midst of the storm’…..but, I am so weary…and I am so wanting just a tiny bit of relief…just a little bit of peace for Alex. I can not understand how God can let him continue to suffer, day after day. I can not put my head around the ‘greater purpose’ this could be serving. I just want my son…living a normal, everyday life. Nothing grand or expansive…just a life. I know there are so many praying for him, why doesn’t God answer? Or has He answered and I’ve missed it? Please, friends, do not take this anxious mother’s heart talk this morning the wrong way. I know God is on His throne and I know He is working in our lives all the time. And I trust Him. But, this human mother is crying out, “HELP, please!”
