Monday will begin the last week that I can call myself a teacher.
Monday will start the last week that I am responsible for the music education of 70 3 year olds, 70 4 year olds, and 66 5 year olds. Give or take a few.
Monday will begin the last week that I will have to be out of my house by 8:00, in order to reach school on time.
Monday will begin the last week that I will stand in the front door of our school to greet the children as they enter.
Monday will begin the last week that I make my ’rounds’ to all the rooms to speak to everyone before starting my day.
Monday will begin the last week that I search the CD collection for fun songs to get us all moving and laughing, and singing…and jumping, and hopping, and skipping.
Monday will begin the last week that I have a little one risk the wrath of their teacher to break out of line just to give me a hug.
Monday will begin the last week that I will walk the children over to the church sanctuary for program practice.
Monday will begin the last week that I drill into the children the reason we do not wave from the stage…proper stage presence, you know.
Monday will begin the last week that I will dole out ‘special treats’ to those who obeyed and tried their best to ‘do the right thing’.
Monday will begin the last week that I attempt to straighten up my room before I leave, so that everyone will not think I am a slob…I will fail, as usual.
Monday will begin the last week that I will stand with a group of children, in the carpool line waiting for their parents to pick them up.
Monday will begin the last week that I walk out the front door, yelling behind me “See you tomorrow, Bonnie.”
Monday will begin a very hard week. And, come Friday…a wonderful chapter of my life will end. And, on that…..
Monday that begins the last week in August, when teachers are bustling about, preparing for another year, waiting for classes to start up again…they will start without me.
But, every ending is a chance for a new beginning…a chance to do new things…a chance to do old things there has not been time for…a chance to write a new chapter in this blessed life of mine.
And, so I will…in a little while…after the tears have dried.
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