Somebody stop me…quick! I have just eaten 2 (TWO) nutty buddy ice cream bars and I want another one. Doesn’t sound as if I am stressed or anything, does it? Not that I have anything to be stressed about. And haven’t you heard that “stressed” is “desserts” spelled backwords. Coincidence , you say? I think not! I know…KNOW…KNOW that I do not need to eat another one. O.K. (deep breath)…I’m fine…just a little minor setback…I can handle this. I’m really not hungry…I just THINK I want another ice cream…I really don’t….that’s just the stress talking. What I REALLY want…… the calm and collected, sane me….. is …a big piece of Godiva Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory that does not live in my town, but is all I have been thinking about since Tracey brought it up! I knew it was going to be like this today when before I went to work I had to stop in at Walgreen’s and buy Afrin Nasal Spray and a bag of Dove Dark Chocolates and a large Diet Dr. Pepper. HELP!!!!! What makes these Nutty Buddy’s so good is they are made with PEANUT BUTTER ice cream with a center of CHOCOLATE…and waaaaay down at the bottom of the delicious sugar cone…the bottom 1/3 is also filled with chocolate! YES…You read me right. A delight for the taste buds…don’t ya think? NO, No, No…I do NOT want another ice cream….I know it’s not good for me or my hips….so, there is only 1 thing to do to stop this insanity….I’ve got to get my mind out of the refrigerator! O.K….all together now…what is the only solution to this problem of mine?…..YEAH!!! I hear you talking…I KNEW I could count on you girls to help a friend out…see ya later…I’ll show you my new shoes when I get back!!!
