Good news to report.

Pop is doing very well. He’s been up and walking in the halls. He’s still sore, but not much pain! God is good.

Mom had a very bad ‘bug’ or ‘something’. It bothers me to see her so sick. But, with the nursing skills of her 2 daughters…she is on the road to recovery. Her blood pressure was quite unstable, but that has resolved, too. Thank-you, God.

I missed work again, today. But, Bonnie shows me such grace and mercy when it comes to my family. That is such a blessing, and I do not take it for granted.

I have not succumbed to the desire to “eat my way through the stress”…this is most certainly not of my own strength!

And, I received sweet messages of support from so many of you. Thank you so much…YOU are sweet gifts from the Father.

Then, I received this:

Thank-you, Kat, for this happy award. The award asks that you list 6 things that make you happy. So, here goes:

1.Chocolate…any kind…any where…any time.

2.A good book…and time to read it.

3.The beach…on a sunny day…with a cool breeze.

4.Picking out furnishings for the Creek House…especially when I don’t have to negotiate too much with hubby.

5.Getting a good night’s sleep.


(Of course I would list family, friends, and dog also)
Tropical storm Fay is upon us as I type. They are saying it is going to be very bad for the next few days…so I may not be blogging. Will catch up with you when we dry out. Several of my blogging friends are from this same area, so we appreciate your prayers.
