Returning to our room last night, we saw a sign that there was to be a church service at 8:00 on Sunday. We made plans to attend. What a blessing! And what a wonderful way to start our vacation. The hotel had requested that this ministry conduct a service on Sundays for its guests. It was held in this thatched roof, open air building. We shared where we were from, and there were people from all over the world. One connection…we all loved the Lord and desired to worship Him…even on vacation! The leader, Rev. Bev Powers, a former actress, was in charge. The man helping her was with the Billy Graham crusades for 40 years. We had a praise and worship singing time and then a lesson from the Bible. There was even a lovely Hawaiian lady doing hula to He Touched Me…awesome. We thanked God for allowing us to be in this wonderful place and for the beauty and majesty of His creation. He is so good!
As we were driving in yesterday, we saw a sign that said CRAFT SHOW SUNDAY. Now that is just right up our alley.We three go to craft shows all over the south…so we decided to see what a craft show in Maui would be like. Ate a quick breakfast, then called for our chariot. What fun to drive. Wind in our hair, sun on our faces, and joy in our hearts. The craft show was great. All island made items. Loads of great stuff. We bought jewelry, pictures, lotions, quilts, pareos, more jewelry, and just a little more jewelry. I even got a fake tattoo on my ankle. Fun! We then drove into Lahaina and got a smoothie and bought some postcards. Back to the hotel. I was feeling quite tired, so I decided to hit the bed early and Shirley and Tina went out to dinner, and walked along the beach. I just had sweet dreams of days to come.