I received a sweet award last week from my friend, Nancy @ Too Wonderful For Me.I came upon her blog one day when she was just getting started and we realized that we live only about 85 miles apart, but different states. She is a sweet lady with lots of wisdom. I truly enjoy sharing with her everyday. Thanks again for this award, Nancy…I am blessed to call you ‘friend’.
And so, I pass this on to:
Andi @ Fingerprints On the Glass…my sweet teacher friend who birthed 3 amazing boys
Sherrie @ Journey To Our Princess…and she left today to pick up her princess in China
Kat @ Just A Beach Kat…I checked and you don’t have this one listed, so maybe I can finally give you one!
Holley @ Windy Corner…a new friend with the sweetest and most uplifting comments
My dear friend, Sherrie, is on a plane right now soaring over to China. She left this morning at 6 AM…the flight will only take 23 hours! Then on Sept. 1, she will get to meet her new daughter, Sophie Lyanna. They will remain in China until the 10th, to take care of paperwork and such, and then Sweet Sophie will be coming home to her new family. Sherrie’s husband and oldest son are with her. She teaches at our school, so you can just imagine how much loving and petting and adoration this child will receive.
I ask that you will remember this family in your prayers as they journey far to bring the newest family member to America and her new home. Can you imagine how she will feel, leaving the orphanage, which is all she has ever known and coming to a new land, with new people, and strange food, who don’t even talk like she does? I would imagine she will be in total confusion. She has just turned 3. Please pray that this transition will be easy for mother and daughter. God has been in this from the beginning, and we are trusting that He will continue to guide them all along the way! Godspeed, Sherrie!
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