This old house belongs to one of our local churches, on the outskirts of town. It has been restored, moderately, and is available for use by the community. Today a group of ladies from our church held a bridesmaid’s luncheon for my niece, Lori.
A lovely group of girls, wouldn’t you say? Kristy, Stephanie, Lori, Tara, Casey.
A little family photo…niece Tara,myself, niece Lori, sister Joy.
We had a very nice time and it was so neat to be in this old house. My sweet friends, Pamela, Monty, Juliann, Tina, and Patsy outdid themselves.
Then, the girls, the YOUNG girls, came back to my house and had themselves another party…hosted by Tara. They made it clear this was NOT for us more mature girls. They sunned themselves by the pool, snacked on some yummy refreshments, and watched Lori open up some ‘unmentionables’. She has lots of new lingerie to model for that new hubby of hers.
We are all looking forward to next weekend and the wedding. It’s going to be a busy, busy week. My friend, Tina, and I are doing the majority of the decorating for the wedding and the reception. Weddings are such sweet times, and we are all excited.