Here is sit in my studio at 4:22 this morning…Jan 2. It still does not feel comforable to sleep here. Many strange noises and sounds. Also, I find myself waking up and following a path to the bthroom that I would have taken before we moved. I am ending up out in the hall befor I wake up and realize I am quickly becoming senile!
I am very, very happy with my house. It is quickly becoming a home…as I lay in the treasures I have collected through the years. My BFF, Shirley, came over on Sunday fternoon and stayed until Wednesday morning! She lives to have a project! And this was one more project. She can do more that 10 other mere mortals ever thought about doing! She started on my studio shelves soon after arriving, Tina came over, and befor the night was done…so was the studio!! It looks wonderful! It looks fantastic! It looks terrific!
The next morning, Monday, Tina had taken off the whole day, so they had as their mission the Sheep Suite! I have always adored sheep, and have collected some very nice ones through thee years. This guest bedroom is where I decided they would be displayed…thus, the Sheep Suite! The banished me to jobs in other parts of the house such as sorting books in the library, and going through boxex in my closet. They had the fun part! Does this look like a place you could come and spend the night?
Then came Tuesday. Shirley was here alone, cause Tina had to go back to work. I had spent Monday evening separating all the books into categories, and labelling the artifacts to be displayed. But, I was unable to help. I had woke up feeling bad and only got worse as the day continues. So, I hit the couch in the studio. Shirley spent about 5 hours fixing the shelves in the library. They are amazing! Look!
And, in between all the big projects, we worked on the kitchen and dining room, too. Here are some pics of it:These are NOT the chairs that will go with the table…but some we are using until we get the right ones!
This is all I have for now…more to follow!