Today is the anniversary of the day a little ray of sunshine came into my life. Alex was born 11-11-81. I had tried very hard to become pregnant after Adam was born, but it just did not happen. Finally after surgery, and 2 different fertility drugs, I became pregnant with Alex. His delivery was so special. My doctor at the time was so cool…he let my sister and a good friend stand at the door of the delivery room to watch and cheer me on. Don was there. And we even taped it. I kept saying, “Someone give me my glasses so I can see!” He was such a beautiful baby, and from the very beginning his temperament was sweet. And has remained so. Alex started having headaches around age 5, and had serious vision problems which we attempted to correct with glasses. It wasn’t until the 8th grade that we finally learned just what was causing all his physical problems.
But, I do not want to talk about that today. Today I want to talk about his sweet and kind spirit. He suffers daily, but remembers to remind me to stick to my diet! He hurts so terribly, but will kindly get up and come to the computer if he knows I am at an immmovable obstacle. If I am having a bad day, he will come and make sure I have all I need to make me comfortable. He remembers to tell me that I look nice when I leave the house. He treats Scooter with such love and tenderness. That dog would do anything for Alex. He loves him so. He makes sure Scooter never runs out of his favorite treats. He makes no demands. He kindly asks for help when needed. He has a quietness and gentleness about him that babies and little children are so drawn to. He is seldom loud, but loves to get into an occasional tussle with a brother or two. He is so knowledgeable about technology and such that many seek him out for information. His brothers will seek his computer advice often. Even though he is not out in the world very much, he is voracious in his quest for info on world events. He is the go-to guy for info on any world situation. He loves Fox news and Bill O’Reilly, and Shepherd Smith. He is a great fan of science fiction and loves manga…I’m not even sure I spelled that right…it is a type of Japanese animation. We watch Lost together every time it is on…he explains it to me. He sees the beauty in great art, and appreciates good literature. He never forgets Mother’s Day or my birthday or Christmas. He has one of his ‘elves’ do his shopping and delivery. Then he keeps it hidden until just the right moment. He loved his grandma’s tea cakes and black forest cakes, and he loves his granny’s macaroni and cheese, and pound cakes. He adores his Aunt Joy, and is quick to say my friend Tina is really his friend.
Alex is sunshine to all who encounter him. He amazes us with his fortitude and inspires us with his attitude. He never complains or whines or says “why me?” He takes what has been given to him and gives back what he is able. He brings joy and comfort to me, and is able to say just the right thing when I am close to melting down over some silly something or other. He gives me strength. He models grace and humility. He has a forgiving spirit and is willing to give grace and show mercy to others. And he shows, more than most, what perseverance truly is. He never gets angry with God for his lot in life, but trusts Him fully and relies on Him daily. He prays for others as often as himself. He is a miracle that shows itself more with each passing day. He deserves happiness and joy. He defines patience and goodness. He is my boy…my sweet middle child. He is a man to be proud of.
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When shies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.