I am so excited about my trip to Maui…big surprise, huh? BUT…it is really coming at a bad time. I am feeling so overwhelmed by the prospect of moving…and finishing up the packing. Plus there are still so many decisions to make. Today we had to go and pick out another sink and fixtures for the pool bath. I have wanted this bath to be fun…and a little different from the rest. And one of the things I have been looking for is a funky table to set a vessel sink on. I have looked everywhere I know to look. When I opened my eyes this morning…they stopped on a perfectly funky old table…..right there in my bedroom! Why, oh why am I looking the town over for what is right under my nose! I suppose I am thinking about finding something else…instead of looking at what I already have. I know there is a big, important lesson in those last 2 sentences. And, I am sure you, sweet friends, can pick it out. But, at this point, I have to go and unload that table, get it into my car…get it over to the Creek House…but first I have to unload the 8 bags of clothes that are in my car to be taken to the thrift store…and Scooter needs to go to the vet this morning…and I have to be at work by 8:15. Something’s gonna be left undone…and I need to finish packing before I leave on Friday AM!
Maybe this is a good time for a trip to Maui after all!