The following article appeared in the weekly newsletter from our church:
Over 13 years ago Alex Owens, now 25, was diagnosed with a rare and little known disorder. Over those same years, he has been to numerous doctors about the intense pain he lives with daily. No method of treatment tried nor the most powerful medicines on the market have reduced his pain. At this time all known forms of treatment have been exhausted. As you can imagine, extreme pain 24 hours a day and seven days a week takes its toll on Alex and his family.
If you would like to be a part of those who stand in the gap and pray for Alex and the move of the Holy Spirit in his circumstances, there will be a time of prayer set aside for him in the sanctuary each Tuesday from 5-6 PM. This prayer time will begin on Tuesday, October 23.
I wanted to share this with you, my friends, because I believe so fervently in the power of prayer. This prayer time comes at the request of a dear family friend and our new pastor. We believe God can work a miracle, if He so chooses. We also believe that God is working in our lives at all times and that He will continue to sustain us. I humbly ask for your prayers also. And I thank you with all my heart.
The website for our church is undergoing some changes right now and is in the process of being updated. Visit us there at