These are my latest “cool shoe.” I found these at a gift shop in my town. I had previously seen them online, but was afraid to order since I didn’t know about sizing. It’s is such a bother to return things. So, I was excited when I saw them. I bought the black pair, and a pair of the brown (hidden in my closet…somewhere). Oh, are they comfortable! I then went online and ordered the white pair. They did not have the white at the store. Here’s the cool thing. You can add your own ribbon. So it is easy to match whatever you are wearing. Can you tell that they have little raised bumps on the arches…feel sooooo good. Look for them online at: They sent my pair in just a few days. They also have other styles…a regular flip-flop, and a flat mule. They are made of a rubber kind of stuff…so easy to clean. I usually wear a size 61/2 or 7 in shoes, and I got a small.
Try ’em out…they are great! Oh, the brand name is OKA-b.
I can not believe I missed it! I had been looking forward to it and waiting and watching and waiting….and OOPS!… it went right on by. I told you I’m ADD. Thoughts and ideas come and go very quickly in this brain of mine. I know, I should have put up a note to remind me, but there are so many notes now, you’d swear my walls are painted Post-It yellow. And then, I forget to remember to read them and …oh well…
JOIN IN MY CELEBRATION FRIENDS! THIS IS MY 113 th POST!!! Bet ya never celebrated anyone else’s 113 th before, now have you?
I have found such joy in blogging. And you, my friends, are so much a part of that. So, thanks for reading. Thanks for commenting. And thanks for coming back to read again. We’ll have a REAL celebration on my 226th! 🙂 🙂
It’s that time of year again. Time for school to be out , and time to say good bye to that favorite teacher. With 3 boys, I have bought many teacher gifts through the years. And as a teacher myself for the last 18 years, I have received many also. So, as a favor to those of you who do not teach…here’s a little helpful info: Do NOT give us another mug. We have mugs out the wazoo. We have mugs with every imaginable saying…for every season. We have mugs stuffed with yucky hard candy, individual packets of coffee or hot chocolate, or with a tea towel. We will NEVER need another mug…ever. We shop the dollar stores, too. So it is kind of insulting to us when you give us something we saw in the 1/2 off bin at the EVERYTHING’S a DOLLAR store. Yes, I know it is the thought that counts… but I hope I counted more than $.50 in your child’s life. We also have a plethora of note pads, cutesy pencils, and stationary with our initials. (But, I do like the stationary…I just have more than I can ever use.) And, I know how easy it is to run into Bath and Body and get a cute little gift pack already wrapped up and all, BUT…everyone has their own favorite fragrance and it just might not be Tangy Orange Blueberry Sizzle! Oh, and those cutesy teacher pins and necklaces….we do not enjoy these. They are NOT cute.
Now, here is a list of things that any teacher would be proud to be presented with: a picnic in a box…one year I was presented with an inexpensive tote filled with cute paper plate, napkins, cups, utensils, tablecloth , a selection of soft drinks, and a gift certificate to KFC. I loved it! This year a group of 3 children gave me a momogrammed jewelry and ring holder shaped like a hand. Very useful! Hanging plants or dish gardens are always nice, too. All the hard work is done, all I have to add is water. And I got a set of note pads monogrammed with ‘A NOTE FROM MRS. OWENS….these have been very helpful. My favorite though are the gift cards. This year I got them to several restaurants in town like Sonic, Chick-Fil-A, Olive Garden. Outback. I also got one to Wal-mart, and one to Atlanta Bread . In recent years, I have gotten them for Lifeway and Books A Million. These are the ones I have enjoyed the most! Since I love to read and summer is the time I am most able to.
There is 1 family in our school who does the neatest thing for me each year. They have 2 children and they have both gone through 3 years with us. Each year, the Mom has the child write a personal note telling why they liked that teacher. She copies( before they can write) exactly what they say. This is a treasured surprise every year. Hope this helps when you start that gift buying this year.
I’d like to document 2 of those sweet letter from the Smith children.
From CAROLINE: “You teach us songs. You make us be in programs. I love you because you love me and you teach us. When we had the last program, you laid sheep out for us to hold if we needed to and we sat down when the program was over and you told us how good we sang and we practised a fun song. You brought a little finger puppet sheep and you made music fun.”
From SPENCER:”Mrs. Owens, you’re the best music teacher ever! We love you, Mrs. Owens. Everybody loves you. You’re funny and kind. You are the best music teacher in the whole wide world! You are a good music player. You pick out good songs. Everybody loves you. Thank you for doing everything for us.”
Now, if that doesn’t melt the heart of a teacher…I don’t know what will.
Don’t mean to upset anyone out there in Blogland…but these are the 2 sweetest young women anywhere…and they’re mine. Well, they are my neices, but thay makes them half mine, doesn’t it? These are the daughters of my sister and BIL, Joy and Tommy. On the left is Lori…now she’s a hoot and a half! Smart as can be, but she definately lives up to her nickname…Loopy. She graduated last week from Alabama with a Masters in Social Work. It has not been an easy ride for her and she’s faced some BIG bumps in the road…but, she’s handled it…and met her goal. We are sooooo proud of her. She’s as ADD as I am and I don’t think I could have made it through like she did. She is moving back home and I am so excited at the chance to spend more time with her. On the Right is Tara. She is married to her love…Will. Now Tara and I are also alike in lots of ways. We both have a love for the medical field. She works in radiology in special procedures, and is in big demand by the doctors. She can get it done. Very astute in medical matters, she has made herself indespensible at one of our hospitals here. She is extermely caring and sensitive ( I told you she was like me…LOL)
I also have always loved working with preschoolers and have completed much training in this area. She and I taught a class of 5 yr. old children for several years before she got married. The, she stopped to be with her hubby and I stopped because I had been in PS work in our church for 25 years. We recently built a new preschool building…wonderful facilities. I was asked to come in and get it up and running properly. Training teachers and putting proper rules and regulations in place. When I agreed to do it, I had only 1 condition. That I could train a younger woman as I was working through this, so she could take over and continue running things. And guess who was willing to step up and do it…Tara and Will. So, I am thrilled. Tara is quite capable of the job and Will is learning quickly.
I am so fortunate to have these girls(and Will) in my life. Sometimes I find my self drowning in testosterone at my house…so it’s wonderful to get around my sister and the girls. Helps with the sanity, you know!
They both love the Lord and are committed to live a Christian life. They have the highest of standards and live up to them. I am proud to call them mine.
A few years ago, I was on a girlfriend’s trip to Destin, and shopping was on the “to do” list for the day. We stopped at a shopping area at Sandestin and started visiting all the little shops there. While still out on the sidewalk, I smelled the most wonderful aroma ever. It smelled like I think heaven might smell. Following my nose, I went inside and was treated to the most delicious fragrance that filled the room. “What is that?,” I asked the salesgirl. She showed me the votive candle that was burning. That was the only one burning in the store, and it smelled even out onto the sidewalk. “Niven Morgan,Gold.” she said. I had never heard of it before. But from that moment on, I have been a convert. The fragrance comes in perfume, body lotion, hand cream, bath gel, room spray and candles. I have horrible allergies and I can not wear anything heavy. But, this is so light and fresh and clean smelling, it never bothers me. There is not a store in my town that carries it, but by going online, I was able to find it in an even smaller town about 30 miles away. Of course, I think it’s a great reason for an extra trip to Destin. If you are interested in where I bought it in Destin, I’ll be glad to tell you the name of the store. Just thought you may like to try something different. But, be warned…if you smell it once…you’ll be hooked.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


About Me