Now I, for one, would never even think of walking out of my bedroom in those stilettos Melania had on. I would never have bought them in the first place! But I was raised in South Alabama where the occasion for me to wear that kind of heel was few and far between. Most people at church on Sunday would not have been impressed and the school board banquets and the hospital banquets I attended in dressy attire were so crowded no one noticed my feet! Stilettos were not and are not a part of my life. Oh, I think they are beautiful and boy do they make a woman’s legs look fierce…but, usually there were 3 snotty nosed boys hanging on my legs and I had to keep my wits about me!
Melania, on the other hand, was raised in Slovenia and other places far away and much more exciting than Dothan. She can speak 5 languages! Wow…I slip up on English sometimes, don’t you? And, she was a runway model…one of those lovely creatures with no hips that sashay down a runway on the highest, skinniest heels possible and it is second nature to them. Actually I think their feet are formed in a different way than ours. I am sure the places she goes and the people she moves with all wear those type of shoes. I mean, my goodness, her hubby is a trillionaire!.. So she can afford to wear whatever shoe she wants and have it custom made to fit her foot! And, I say, “More power to her” She is definitely a big step up in our first lady department! She always dresses appropriately. She always looks put together. She wears what she likes and it looks good on her. She represents us well around the world. Not that very many of us could afford to dress as she does, but she sure does not go lacking in the way she presents herself as the First Lady.

President Donald Trump, accompanied by first lady Melania Trump, gives a thumbs-up as they walk to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017, for a short trip to Andrews Air Force Base, Md., then onto Texas to survey the response to Hurricane Harvey. The hurricane is the first major disaster of Trump’s presidency. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Now…this fashion BOBO that had words to say about her wearing her stilettos to the plane as she and the President took off to Texas is full of baloney. First of all…who is she? And where did she come from? And what gives her the right to speak about our First Lady? And who even asked her?. And who would take her word for anything? Who ever told her that she looked good? OH! MY!
AUGUST 30, 2017
An unspeakable Eldritch horror from the depths of aeons and untouched by mortal creatures funneled her disapproval over Melania Trump’s snakeskin stilettos yesterday into an article for Vogue magazine.

According to Internet lore, the immortal spent 20 years writing for the now-collapsing weekly The Village Voice before joining Vogue. She is suspected to have the ability to cast spells over other cretins who stalk the pages of fashion magazines, as evidenced in a 2016 New York Times Style Section profile titled “Lynn Yaeger: Fashion Muse.”
“Sing, muse, of crinolines piled in layers, of blunt-cut bobs and Cupid’s bow lips?” the paper wrote to the tune of Pan’s flute.
“Inspirations come in many forms during the fashion collections. It has been a surprise, though not an unwelcome one, to find that this season, an unexpected one joins their ranks: the fabulously eccentric fashion writer Lynn Yaeger.”
Featured image via …………….
copied from
I find it so amusing that someone who looks like this even thinks she has the right to talk fashion to anyone! Especially our First Lady! Of course, there is no record of her retracting her statement or making an apology when Melania exited the plane in tennis shoes. Of course not!
It all comes down to good manners. What business was it of hers to stick her nose into this? Who, in this great big world, values her opinions? Especially in matters of fashion and good sense?
I mean we have all seen folks…even here in our little smidgen of the world…who make mistakes in the manner of dress. Whether it be too tight or shows too much cleavage, or is out dated or not appropriate for the setting. Do we take out a page in the Dothan Eagle and tell the whole world what WE think they could do better? Why, no! We just say, “Bless her heart, she got confused.” and let it go at that. Then if we see her doing better, we’d march right up to her and tell her how nice she looks. That’s what us Southern girls do. But, we tend to have more sense and compassion than lots of folks in this world, don’t we?
Besides, even Melania isn’t gonna wade around in knee deep water in her snake skin 4 inch Manolo Blahniks…she’s got more sense than that!
Maybe she’s from Southern Slovenia!