Yesterday, I finally went back to school, and got my stuff together. Of course, I had already brought a car load home before school was out…and then things got so busy there at the end, that I didn’t have time to get the rest packed up. So yesterday, I went and separated my stuff, from the school stuff, and filled the back of my car with what was left. And, it is still sitting there today. UGH! Now the job is finding somewhere to put it all. I’m such a book collector, and I happen to love children’s books. And, I can not bear to part with any of them. Now one day that will be great for my grandchildren, but for now, it’s a lot of children’s books! I’m fortunate to have a library now to store them in…it’s just finding the energy to do it. Maybe they just need to rest in the car for a few days.
There are still alot of things to organize with the new music teacher, and we’ll tackle that when she is ready. But, I did get the desk drawers cleaned out and organized and the storage cabinets. So, when she gets ready, there will not be so much to do. We can just work on files, etc.
So, my stuff is out of the school, but part of my heart will always remain!