Thank-you, Tracey, for the award. I am so loving my new blogging adventures. And I am so happy to know someone out there in Blogsville enjoys reading my pitiful offerings. Now, if you read me this morning, you know that I am sooooo lacking in computer skills. Well. I have just had a lesson on the fine art of linking to other sites. Now, I hope I get this right. If not I’ll try again. Go ahead…I hear you laughing…it’s o.k. I can take it… 🙂 Tracey has a wonderful blog, and I have been blessed by her insights. Find her at Show Me State of Mind.
Now, first, I am supposed to link to this post. It is the original post about the the award. Thinking Blogger Award. Now, I will be honest with you. I can not read this. Every time I go there, it freezes my computer. It happens even with the expert who is teaching me. So, I hope you have better luck than me.
This is a new friend I have made recently. I noticed her first because she is from AL. also. I enjoy her sense of style, and she shows great pictures of her decorating and gardening. She’s a yard sale fan, too. Seems we both like the art of taking something old and turning it into a new found treasure. Her name is Rhoda. Find her at Southern Hospitality .
I have been mostly a lurker on this site, but I absolutely LOVE her thoughts on travel. She has just returned from a trip to New Zealand. I know it must have been wonderful . I knew I liked her when I saw we shared an affinity for heart shaped rocks. She is a jewelry designer and artist. Her name is Nina and you can find her at Ornamental .
Next on my list is Southern Heart . She is also a recent find. But she has such a beautiful blog , with a lovely sense of style. She seems to have a real sense of appreciation of the beautiful things in life. I always look forward to reading her.
Next for me is A Walk in My Shoes . This is such a beautiful blog. She writes beautiful poetry, accompanied by lovely photographs. She has just gone through a crisis with her son, and it has been heart touching to go through this journey with her.
And, this blog, It Coulda’ Been Worse , makes me laugh. Her name is DeeDee, and she writes about various topics. Her slant on the everyday occurrences is delightful. I look forward to seeing what new has happened in her life and her humorous take on it.
O.K. ,ladies. Thanks for feeding my mind and spirit. Blessings to you all. Consider yourself tagged…..