I don’t know about you, my friends, but I wish someone would stick a sock in Rosie Donnell’s mouth. Does she not have the most annoying thoughts and words to say? It seems that every news program I turn on, they are reporting what Rosie said. Or how she responded to someone else. Even that she lost her job. Well, for anyone who cares, I DON”T CARE. As far as I am concerned, it matters absolutely zero to me what she thinks or says or does…only the fact that it intrudes upon my daily news. Who decided that her views were so important to the masses, anyway? Do you know anyone who follows her brand of politics or lifestyle? She is just a regular person with a big mouth who makes enough noise to get attention. I think ABC finally wised up when they decided to get rid of her on the view. Not that I watch it very much. It used to be interesting when Meridith Viera and Star Jones were on because you felt like you at least heard a balanced discussion…but now, the only voice of reason is Elizabeth Hasslebeck and it seems as the goal of the other 3 is to drown out whatever she has to say. So, Rosie…be gone…I, for one, will be glad.
